Thanks for your incredible fundraising! PanCAN PurpleStride would not be the success it is without people like you. That’s why we want to especially recognize our top teams and fundraisers for your incredible efforts. Check out the details below for the cool ways we’ll celebrate you and be sure to check out the deadlines page to be sure you reach these levels in time to receive the benefits.


  • Raise or make a personal donation of $50 or more to receive a PurpleStride T‑shirt! Earn yours early; after the event deadline we cannot guarantee sizing.
  • Raise $1,000 or more to become part of our Grand Club and receive an exclusive gift. Learn more about Grand Club.
  • Become one of our top 3 individual fundraisers for special recognition on stage during the Event Ceremony.


  • Team name will be printed on the back of the event T-shirt.
  • Team name will appear on event website.
  • Recognition in post-event emails.
  • Special recognition on stage during the Event Ceremony.


  • Team name will be printed on the back of the event T-shirt.
  • Team name will appear on event website.
  • Recognition in post-event emails.


Raise $5,000 or more and become a Passion Team! Our Passion Teams receive a team sign customized with their team name and access to an exclusive Passion Teams area on event day, where they can gather and meet their team members and other teams who have also hit this status.

ELITE TEAM: $10,000+
Raise $10,000 or more and become an Elite Team! Our Elite Teams have truly gone above and beyond to hit extraordinary levels and will not only receive a team sign customized with their team name, but also their very own VIP area with a banner featuring their team name and a special giveaway on event day.

Recognition Deadlines


Everyone who registered and raised or made a personal donation of $50 or more by April 10 will receive a PanCAN PurpleStride T⁠-⁠shirt! Those who raised $50 by April 10 can pick up their T⁠-⁠shirts on event day at the T⁠-⁠Shirt Tent in the event village.

All pancreatic cancer survivors who register for PurpleStride are eligible to receive a special survivor T-shirt and no fundraising minimum is required.


Who doesn’t love an achievement badge? You have the opportunity to earn up to 10 at various points on the way to your PurpleStride, which will appear on your personal fundraising page. Check out the types of badges you can earn below and login to My Strider Central to view your achievement progress!

  • FB Badge
  • Connected to Facebook to Fundraise
  • Personal Donation Badge
  • Made a Personal Donation
  • Updated personal page Badge
  • Updated Your Personal Page
  • Donation Count badge
  • Received 5+ Donations Towards Your Goal
  • Reached Fundraising Goal badge
  • Reached Fundraising Goal
  • PS Alum Badge
  • PurpleStride Alumni (within Past 3 Years)
  • Raised $100 Badge
  • Raised $100 for 1:1 Support for 3 Patients
  • Raised $250 Badge
  • Raised $270 for 10 Educational Packets
  • Raised $500 Badge
  • Raised $480 to Support 6 Research Grantees For a Day
  • Raised $1,000 Badge
  • Raised $1K to be in the Grand Club

PurpleStride Grand Club

The PurpleStride Grand Club is a nationwide program recognizing participants who individually raise $1,000 or more for their PurpleStride event.

As a participant, we know you give your time and energy to fight pancreatic cancer and the PurpleStride Grand Club gives us the opportunity to show our gratitude for your efforts. Grand Club members receive an exclusive gift as a token of our appreciation, and enjoy access to celebrations, exclusive webinars, etc. Grand Club members are among our most dedicated and loyal supporters, and we are so grateful!

As a member of the PurpleStride Grand Club, you are eligible to receive an exclusive Grand Club gift. Wear this gift with pride in your community to engage others in our fight against pancreatic cancer.

grand club image

We are thankful for your fundraising efforts and the Grand Club gift is one way for us to show our appreciation. You will also enjoy access to celebrations, exclusive webinars, etc.

Thank you for raising $1,000 or more to fight the world’s toughest cancer – we appreciate your support! Once you raised $1,000, you should have received an email inviting you to claim your gift via My Strider Central. There should also be a prompt when you log into My Strider Central. Select “Claim my gift” and fill out your size and mailing address. Your PurpleStride Grand Club gift will be delivered right to your doorstep. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. If you opted out by accident, please contact Customer Service at or 877-272-6226 and they’ll be happy to help you.

And don’t stop there! Keep your momentum going by setting the bar even higher and continuing to fundraise for those affected by pancreatic cancer!

You have up to 60 days after your event to raise $1,000 or more and earn your Grand Club gift.

Your fundraising means PanCAN can continue to provide life-changing programs and services for pancreatic cancer patients and families. Because of you, PanCAN is able to advance scientific research, including early detection initiatives and new treatment approaches; build volunteer relationships in local communities; provide free, one-to-one information about treatment options, diet, and resources to patients and caregivers; and advocate for increased research funding.

To learn more, visit