Fundraising Tools & Resources

A world where everyone affected by pancreatic cancer thrives starts with YOU! Your participation and fundraising keep PanCAN’s vital programs running so patients and their families don’t have to navigate this journey on their own.

We suggest starting with a fundraising goal of $200. Registered Striders who raise or self-donate $50 or more will receive an official PanCAN PurpleStride 2025 T-shirt. Registered Striders who raise $1,000 or more will earn exclusive PanCAN PurpleStride Grand Club 2025 gear! Learn more about individual and team incentives.

Use the resources and tips on this page to boost your fundraising and reach (or exceed!) your goal. Every dollar you raise makes a difference.

PurpleStride Team Captains should check out the Friends & Family Team Tools & Resources page or Company Team Tools & Resources page to help build and coach your team.


Registering for PurpleStride will give you access to the PurpleStride Dashboard. Your Dashboard allows you to track your progress toward your fundraising goal, send pre-written fundraising and thank-you messages, and connect to Facebook Fundraiser.*

You can also download the PurpleStride app. It’s another great way to personalize and send pre-written messages through email, text, and social media.

Looking for quick and easy ways to reach your goals? Check out these four easy tips.

  1. Customize your personal fundraising page with your photo and your personal story. When family and friends know why you’re taking steps against pancreatic cancer at PurpleStride, they’ll be more motivated to support you.
  2. Connect your page to Facebook Fundraiser. This creates a special page on Facebook where people can follow your updates and donate towards your goal. Striders who connect to Facebook Fundraiser through their PurpleStride Dashboard raise an average of 5x more than those who don't! Log into your Dashboard and click Connect to Facebook Fundraiser to get started. Learn more.*
  3. Make a self-donation. If you haven’t already done so, donate to your own fundraiser. Striders who make a self-donation raise 2x more as those who don’t!
  4. Customize & send pre-written emails. Fundraisers who send emails from their Dashboard raise 15x more than those who don’t, and we made sending them easy with your PurpleStride Dashboard and the PurpleStride app.


There are lots of ways to raise funds for the fight against pancreatic cancer. Here are a few ideas other Striders used to reach their goals. Have fun and let us know what you did on social media using the hashtag #PanCANPurpleStride.

  • Get 8 people to "sponsor" you for $25 each.
  • Ask 10 coworkers to contribute at least $10 and ask your employer to match their donations. Learn more about Matching Gifts.
  • Post on your Facebook Fundraiser, challenging friends to give up their coffee for a day and instead donate $5.*
  • Ask friends to donate to your PurpleStride fundraising goal instead of giving you a birthday or holiday gift.
  • Turn every email into an opportunity! Log in to your PurpleStride Dashboard, click Send Fundraising Messages to Family & Friends, then the Email Signature tab for instructions on how to add a PurpleStride email badge to your personal and work email accounts. Your badge will update your email recipients about your fundraising progress and inspire them to donate.
  • You can also adjust your fundraising goal in the Dashboard or app. We recommend a minimum goal of $200 but encourage you to reach for the stars! If you raise $1,000 or more, you'll join the PanCAN PurpleStride Grand Club and receive exclusive gear!


Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by their employees to organizations like PanCAN? Your donors may be able to double – or even triple! – the impact of their gift just by completing a matching gift form. Learn more about Matching Gifts.


Turn your passion into progress for pancreatic cancer patients by planning a fundraising event in your community, doing something you already enjoy!

Love to bake? Host a bake sale! Love to eat out? Partner with a local restaurant! If you need ideas or tips on how to plan a fundraising event, we’ve got you covered with this resource. The possibilities are endless!



Create and download a personalized image and share it with your community on social media to rally support. Be sure to tag @PanCAN and use #PanCANPurpleStride so we can cheer you on every step of the way!

Shareable Graphics

Download and post these graphics in your social media accounts to raise awareness about PurpleStride and show your friends how their donation makes a difference. We'll add more images in Fall 2024!


Use these sample posts on your social channels to let your friends know how their donation makes a big impact. Don’t forget to add a link to your personal fundraising page!

  • #PanCANPurpleStride is the #1 way @PanCAN raises money to fight #pancreaticcancer! Every dollar you give funds life-changing research and critical patient programs. Help me reach my fundraising goal – donate today! [add link to your personal fundraising page]
  • Join me for #PanCANPurpleStride, the ultimate walk to END #pancreaticcancer! Register for free today then kickstart your own fundraising efforts for @PanCAN! [add link to your personal fundraising page]
  • @PanCAN’s biggest fundraising event of the year is coming! #PanCANPurpleStride is happening across the country on April 26, 2025! Register for free and start fundraising today! [add link to your personal fundraising page]


With the app, you can:

  • Update your personal page with your photo and story.
  • Create and access your Facebook Fundraiser.
  • Ask for donations and thank donors through Facebook*, LinkedIn, Snapchat, WhatsApp, text and email.
  • Schedule posts to LinkedIn.
  • Earn badges to celebrate the steps you're taking.
  • View your fundraising progress.
  • Easily increase your fundraising goal.

In addition, if you are a Team Captain, you can also:

  • Send messages to recruit friends and family to join your team
  • View your team's fundraising goal and progress
  • Send messages to individuals on your team

...all from the palm of your hand!

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play, search for “PurpleStride,” PanCAN PurpleStride app. Or just click the link below from your phone!

PS17_App-ios         PS17_App-android

To log in, click the app icon on your phone and enter the username and password you used to register for the event.

For more details on how to use the app, visit the PanCAN PurpleStride Fundraising Toolkit or the PanCAN PurpleStride Team Captain Guide.

* While donations made to your Facebook Fundraiser will appear on Facebook in real time, they may take 72 hours or longer to appear on your PurpleStride Personal Fundraising page due to the way Facebook processes gifts.