Come join us at Red Hawk Casino for our 13th Annual Pancreatic Cancer Fundraising CAR SHOW. This is the ONLY Judged Car Show that Dreams and Drivers puts on and 100% of the proceeds go to the CHARITY @PanCanActionNetwork.
NOW to read:
Where: Red Hawk Casino 1 Red Hawk Parkway, Placerville
When: June 22, 2025...9am-4 is the time BUT as soon as we set up, we start checking in the cars. So, line up, but DO NOT enter the parking garage until staff let you in. DO NOT move the barriers to enter the exit either. Please be patient. Takes a village to do the show and set up.
Location: 1st floor of the parking garage. This is indeed underground, shaded, covered and cool. There will be signs pointing you to drive towards where oversize/busses park; you will go right at the light. DO NOT GO STRAIGHT!
Red Hawk HOTEL is open. Feel free to book now and work with Kym to park downstairs early, if possible. (
APEX Experience is open. APEX is an indoor kart track, bowling, golf, sports bar, and VR plus VR karting. It is epic and amazing!
If you are new to this car show, you register by DONATING here on this Campaign Link. This show, like all Dreams and Drivers events, is open TO ALL MAKES and MODELS OF CARS, TRUCKS, BIKES, Exotics and New Vehicles. IT is ALL for charity.
TO BE JUDGED: $20.00 per car. Category list will be in your packet given at check in, and you to choose from
TO SHOW: $10.00 (park in the garage with all)
There is NO ENTRY into the parking garage show area without paying $20.00 or $10.00 (more is appreciated).
REGISTER/DONATE using this link, YOU choose the amount of $20 or $10 or more. D and D staff get an email, and you will email stating we have your registration. IF you choose to register and pay in person with cash or check made out to the charity, that is acceptable as well. Tax donation form will be available for you. Again, you are DONATING, that is what registers you for the Car Show.
RULES: This is sovereign land and there are Tribal Police present, as well as RH Security all day. No alcohol allowed in the garage. There is plenty inside...Buffet, burger spot and other food places... new sports bars and more...You are allowed to bring beverages, but we encourage you to go into the casino. No outside food please. Patronize Red Hawk. Water will be provided courtesy of Red Hawk Casino.
NO Pop ups.....plenty of room and there is shade. Your car is spaced plenty of room from others. ZERO tolerance for loud music, stereos, revving, or exhaust showing off. You will be asked to leave.
NO moving around once you are parked. This is Red Hawk’s requirement. IF you want to park next to a friend, show up together, otherwise, insurance prohibits us from moving the cars once parked. Fussing with staff and not listening may lead to you being asked to leave.
OVERSIZED VEHICLES: There are special spots for you if you don't fit in parking garage.
Red Hawk has also launched the APEX Experience. APEX is an indoor kart track, bowling, golf, sports bar, and VR plus VR karting. It is epic and amazing!
Any questions please email or call 916-505-1511.
Printable donation form - print and mail.