Austin Roberts

Austin Roberts


Raised: $1,717

Goal: $2,500

Welcome to my PanCAN PurpleStride Personal Fundraising Page!

While this is not our first year fundraising for Pancreatic Cancer, it is still ever soo important. This vear marks the 12-year anniversary of my dad, Austin L Roberts Ill's, passing. We miss him every day, and I love to tell his story!

It was Friday, August 19th, 2011, I had just got off work, and just like most other Fridays, I was making the hour-and-a-half drive back to my parent's house to spend time with my dad. Over the past few months, his health had been declining, but that didn't make these visits any less fun or memorable!

That weekend was no different. We shared laughs, talked about life and memories, and everything was fine. Sunday, August 21st rolled around, and typically I would go back home, but dad and I had been talking, and I decided to spend the night and get up early to go from their house directly to work.

Just as I always did, I kissed him and told him I loved him, and I also told him I probably wouldn't see him before I left in the morning because it would be early, but I couldn't wait to see him next weekend.

As usual, he smiled and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, and told me good night. We all went to bed just like any other night. 5:45 am August 22nd came around, and my alarm had gone off; I shut it off and was laying in my bed for a few minutes when I heard my mom screaming my name, unlike any other way I had heard before. I had no clue what was going on. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see what had happened or if there was something I could do. It was the day my mom and I had been preparing our hearts for, for three

years. When I got downstairs, I saw my mom next to my dad, and I grabbed his hand. He took his last breath, and it was then that I knew this terrible disease had taken my dad's life. Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers, at just 10%. This deadly disease has stolen our best and brightest, but it can't take away our determination. I've stepped up to Wage Hope at PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer. Will you help me rewrite the future of this disease by donating today? Every dollar that you give ensures that the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network can continue working to improve outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. By donating today, you are supporting vital efforts to double pancreatic cancer survival by 2023.

Purple ribbons aren't enough. Please join me in the fight today.

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Austin's Achievements

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    5+ Donations
    Toward my Goal

  • $50

    Raise $50 and Earn a T‑shirt

  • $100

    Raise $100

  • Raise $250

  • Raise $500

  • Raise $750

  • $1,000GRANDCLUB

    Raise $1,000 and Join the PanCAN PurpleStride Grand Club

About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.