My husband, Steven Krauss, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer on May 22, 2015. He was 51 years old, in the prime of his life. Inoperable, the tumor spread to the portal vein, celiac artery, and patches in his stomach, he was given 6-8 months to live while on chemo.
However, along with chemo, he exercised, tried to eat right, had reiki cleansings, acupuncture, daily prayer, and his "New Hotness"- his 2008 Honda Touring Goldwing. He wanted to live, and live whatever life he had left to the fullest. And he did.
During the 37 months that he fought this monster of a disease, he walked, rode, traveled, connected with family and friends, smoked cigars, ate steak, drank fine liquor, and took part in God's bounty whenever he could. And he took time to sit and reflect.
During those 37 months, he went through every hospital issue imaginable, and with no complaints. Just the hope that one day he would be cured. Our motto was, "Believe", and "One day at a time." Miraculously, in June 2016, he was diagnosed with "NSD", - no sign of disease. The tumor disappeared, pulled away from everything, and the patches in the stomach resolved. He was overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness, and humbled and blessed to be given a second chance at life, or "Life 2.0" as he called it. And it was. He savored that time, we relished it together. It was a special time.
But pancreatic cancer is relentless, and it came back in the peritoneal lining in October 2017, and it just took over. He fought that beast for 9 months, until that day in the hospital, when I asked him what he wanted to do, after the doctor talked to us, and he said, "I'm done, I'm tired." HE chose when, and HE chose how.
We came home on Friday, June 22, 2018, and he passed in his sleep, peacefully, on Tuesday, June 26,2018 at 7:07 pm.
We "Purple Strided" together in 2016, and in 2017. I walk for Steve, and I believe he is with me, holding my hand as we continue to "stride" together to eradicate this deadly disease. To wage hope for others with their own story. Different details, yet unfortunately, the same ending.
We need to find a cure. In honor of those we lost, like my Steve, for those in the throes of the battle, and for those yet to be diagnosed.
Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers, at just 10%. This deadly disease has stolen our best and our brightest, but it can’t take away our determination.
I’ve stepped up to Wage Hope at PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer. Will you help me rewrite the future of this disease by making a donation today?
Every dollar that you give ensures that the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network can continue working to improve outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. By donating today, you are supporting vital efforts to double pancreatic cancer survival.
Purple ribbons aren’t enough. Please join me in the fight today. I'll be walking, and Steve will be holding my hand inspirit. Come walk along with us! Come join our team!
On April 27th, 2024, we will turn the nation purple for our National PurpleStride experience - one day in which all 59 PurpleStride events take place nationwide!