Sharon Bittman

Sharon Bittman


Raised: $6,870

Goal: $10,000

Welcome to my Andy's Avengers PurpleStride Page!


My birthday is this month, just a few days before PurpleStride and I have an ask of you. Please read my post and consider coming out to join me on April 27 in Parsippany for PurpleStride. When you read below you’ll understand why this is so important to me. Thanks for taking the time.


It’s hard to believe it’s been almost six years since we lost Andy to pancreatic cancer. Truthfully, the ache of our loss has not faded and never will, no matter how much time passes. But the love doesn’t diminish either and that is powerful. PurpleStride is a day we get to channel that love for Andy into a unifying act, surrounded by his family, friends, and members of the Vision Creative Group team–all carrying on his legacy in different ways, all without a doubt making him so enormously proud. 

Please join our team, Andy’s Avengers and come out in all your purple gear on April 27 to walk, run, or cheer us on. The energy in the air on the day of PurpleStride is like nothing else. It’s a day filled with hope and a time when we get to channel all of our love for those we’ve lost into something truly good. 

If you can’t make it on that day, we ask you to please make a donation as a way to show your support and empower the critical research going on behind the scenes to fight this terrible illness. Click the link below to join our team or make a secure, tax-deductible donation. 


There are hundreds of thousands of illnesses worthy of funding in the hopes of finding a cure. When you donate to an organization, who, what, and why are you supporting? 

Pancreatic cancer is the most deadly and difficult to defeat cancer in the world. Pancreatic cancer only has a five-year survival rate of 12%. By the time its symptoms appear, the cancer has often already spread to surrounding areas, making it impossible for doctors to cure and the survival rate for patients is only a matter of months at most after their diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer’s lack of discoverability makes it lethal, and more importantly makes research and advancements in treatment options critical.

Your support directly funds PanCAN’s revolutionary Early Detection Initiative, the largest clinical trial looking at folks for potential risk factors that could lead to a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. According to Chief Science Officer Lynn Matrisian, PhD, MBA, there is significant research showing a correlation between recent-onset diabetes in people over 50 and pancreatic cancer diagnoses, making a fierce push for imaging during this onset. Scientists and researchers at PanCAN are passionately searching for any clue that could signal pancreatic cancer development before symptoms emerge. By the time symptoms are evident, it’s far too late for any life-saving action to be taken. 


You contribute directly to pancreatic cancer research such as the Early Detection Initiative, the largest clinical trial for people with potential risk factors that could lead to a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

You support clinical trials, a key stepping stone on the path to finding new treatments for pancreatic cancer patients. The importance of the research PanCAN obtains from these studies can’t be  stressed enough. The early detection methods wouldn’t have been discovered without consistent participation in our clinical trials, which wouldn’t be possible without your contributions to fund them. 

You support PanCan’s ability to host webinars such as “Early Detection and Better Treatments: How Testing Plays a Critical Role,” a crucial event that took place on World Pancreatic Cancer Day last year. These events spark important discussion, encourage testing, and empower families to take control of their health and future. 

Years ago patients and doctors would’ve thought a five-year survival rate of 12% was impossible. But with your help and hope, pancreatic cancer doesn’t stand a chance. 

Without you, we would have never been able to see 12%. You CAN make a difference.


You spread awareness about a deadly disease that takes far too many lives than we will stand for. 

You encourage genetic and biomarker testing for those who are at a higher risk for pancreatic cancer and may not even know it yet. 

You show survivors, caregivers, and those who have lost loved ones to this horrific and unfair disease that you care. You show them that the fight is never over. 

You wage hope. And when you wage hope, you inspire others to do the same. When we’re all rallied together in purple, there’s nothing we can’t do. 


You show up for everyone who runs holding grief in one hand and hope in the other. 

You show up for survivors who have fought for their lives through this horrific illness.

Simply put, striding with us on April 27 is the biggest way to show up. 

Watch out, pancreatic cancer. We’re coming for you on April 27th and beyond, and we’re not slowing down anytime soon.

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About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.