Meaghan Piper

Meaghan Piper


Raised: $1,003

Goal: $1,000


If you know me, then you know that I dislike asking for things, so thank you for being here. It truly means the world to me. 

2024 was a banner year in terms of loss. Luke wore many black hats, listened to a lot of screaming bands, and answered to a lot of nick names. Lukey, Leeks, Lukeypoo, Babe, Love, Dayad (courtesy of his dog son, Olli), Hubbins, the list could go on. No matter what name he went by, he is loved beyond measure. As a result of this horrific disease, he is gone. As you can probably guess, I hate that too. 

I have never been the kind of person to err on the side of hope. I have never been the girl who looks at the glass as "half full", mainly because the bad things are so much easier to find. That has to change, now. There were very few things that Luke really wanted in life. He wanted comfort, stability, and fairness. His friends and inner circle? He wanted them to be taken care of and whole. He wanted to make a difference, even to just one person, in any way that he could so he showed up anytime it was asked of him, no matter what the task was. He was a special friend, a fair boss, and the better half of me. He is why I am still here, with just a tiny sliver of hope for others who are enduring a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

The point -  I’m taking part in the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer, PanCAN PurpleStride, on Saturday, April 26, 2025.

PurpleStride participants raise money to fund vital research that can bring new treatment options to patients; free, personalized, one-to-one support through PanCAN Patient Services; and more.

What can you do? Well! As you can see, as team captain I’ve set an obnoxiously ambitious fundraising goal and need your donations! A gift of any size will help patients and families facing a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Help further the science! Help find them a cure! 

Want to walk with us? Join me by registering for PurpleStride! Register for free, raise $50 and you’ll receive an official PanCAN PurpleStride 2025 T-shirt!

Let’s show everyone impacted by pancreatic cancer that we’re fighting for them. 

There aren't enough ways for me to say "thank you" - but I will try. With every advancement, we can help to save someone else's "Luke."  

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Meaghan's Achievements

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    My Fundraising

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  • Download & Open the PanCAN PurpleStride App

  • I've Received
    5+ Donations
    Toward my Goal

  • $50

    Raise $50 and Earn a T‑shirt

  • $100

    Raise $100

  • Raise $250

  • Raise $500

  • Raise $750

  • $1,000GRANDCLUB

    Raise $1,000 and Join the PanCAN PurpleStride Grand Club

About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 26, 2025, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.