Thank you for supporting my PanCAN PurpleStride fundraiser!
I want to make the biggest impact on the lives of pancreatic cancer patients – and I need you to do it!
I’m taking steps at the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer, PanCAN PurpleStride, on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Many of you know our family was directly impacted by Pancreatic Cancer. Here is my moms story of diagnosis.
I get frustrated with the delay I see patients dealing with in getting diagnosis and treatment. I had a visit with my primary care with vague problems, had abnormal Liver enzymes. Was referred for ultrasound which I scheduled for a week later (my choice to wait) when I was scheduled to see my gastroenterologist. The U/S showed a lesion, I was scheduled for CT scan later same day. Meanwhile I went to see the GI provider. We discussed the probability of pancreatic cancer and was told if confirmed by CT scan I would be referred to Huntsman Cancer Center. Once confirmed after weekend, I was referred for biopsy. When I hadn't received a call to schedule by Wednesday, I called the Dr's office and was scheduled for Friday. Due to jaundice after biopsy, I then received a stent, had problems with that and stent was replaced. Meanwhile, I saw the oncologist and started a treatment plan with forfurinox. Port was put in, and had started treatment within 3 weeks of diagnosis. I was given diagnosis of stage 4 inoperative adenocarcinoma in the head of the pancreas with expected life of 2-6 months. I did 5 treatments every 2 weeks and then my doctor said, I would need to go to every 3 weeks as my body could not handle this often. I was also receiving Neulasta injections to keep my white count up. I then completed 27 radiation treatments. One year after diagnosis, the doctor stated I was now a candidate for the Whipple. I had that done with the complications and 2 additional hospitalizations. I am now 32 months from diagnosis and doing well. My oncologist told me from day 1 that I had a choice to lay around and die or live life to the fullest. I went out dancing alot during treatment but may have only dance a partial song. But eventually my strength came back. Yes I still have bad days, but I have more great days.
The survival rate has come up since she was diagnosed, yet, it is still a grim diagnosis. We need more education and resources to get people diagnosed sooner and research on helping those after diagnosis.
PurpleStride participants raise money to fund vital research that can bring new treatment options to patients; free, personalized, one-to-one support through PanCAN Patient Services; and more.
Here’s where you come in! I’ve set an ambitious fundraising goal and need your donations! A gift of any size will help patients and families facing a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
Want to help in a bigger way? Join me by registering for PurpleStride! Register for free, raise $50 and you’ll receive an official PanCAN PurpleStride 2025 T-shirt!
Let’s show everyone impacted by pancreatic cancer that we’re fighting for them.
I’m grateful for your support!