Team Rosette

Team Rosette


Raised: $3,466

Goal: $10,000

Welcome to our team fundraising page!

It's PurpleStride time again, Team Rosette!

On April 27, Team Rosette will be walking again in Sacramento to honor Rosette, LLP's founding partner, Rob Rosette, to celebrate his legacy, and to raise money to fund vital pancreatic cancer research.  Please plan to join our team and walk with us!

When Rob was diagnosed in early 2022, he was fierce, optimistic, and determined to begin treatment.  Even during his chemo, Rob worked hard, strategized with clients, and planned for their imminent success.  We all benefited from his strength and mindset.  Looking back, it seems like that was a gift he gave to all of us. 

Despite his positivity and grit, he and his family suffered as he deteriorated.  We lost Rob much faster than we anticipated in September 2022. 

Rob fought his cancer diagnosis like he fought for Indian country: relentlessly, doggedly, and aggressively.  PurpleStride is an opportunity for us to bring that same attitude to the fight against pancreatic cancer.  Team Rosette is reassembling to help PanCAN battle this pernicious disease – and that includes you!

Did you know the 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 13%?  PanCAN is excited about raising that number up from 6%, but there is still SO FAR to go.  PanCAN's mission is to raise the survival rate, fund research to create new and better treatment options, and provide direct patient support.  PurpleStride is its biggest fundraising event of the year.

Last year, in honor of Rob, Team Rosette walked all over the country and raised a ton of money.  We want to raise $10,000 this year.  We need your help!

We remember the impact Rob had on all of us and his ceaseless commitment to empowerment, economic development and innovation, tribal sovereignty and self-determination.  In all things, he waged hope.  He’s no longer here to do that himself, so we take up that mantle on his behalf.

Here’s how you can help:

1.     Join our team and plan to walk with us – in Sacramento if you’re local, or in spirit from your hometown.  Registration is free. 

2.     Donate to Team Rosette to help us hit our fundraising goal.

3.     Join Team Rosette and set your own fundraising goal to increase our impact.

We’ll see you on Saturday, April 27, 2024! ​

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About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.