Team Nana

Team Nana


Raised: $2,562

Goal: $2,000

Welcome to our team fundraising page!

Welcome to Team Nana! 

In May 2019, our lives forever changed.  Our Mom/Nana was diagnosed with Vulvar Cancer.  In preparing for the surgery, the doctor ordered a PET scan to see if the cancer was anywhere else.  That simple order saved our mom's life.  They also found that she had Stage 1A Pancreatic Cancer.  She underwent surgery to first treat the Vulvar Cancer and then began the fight against Pan Can! She did 13 weeks of chemotherapy, followed by the Whipple Surgery at age 80 and then an additional 13 weeks of chemo! It was a very long road for Team Nana but our family stood beside her on her journey! She amazed us with her strength and courage to fight this terrible disease! 

In December 2023, the cancer cells reappeared on her routine quarterly CT scan.  On February 28, 2024, she began her second fight against Pancreatic Cancer! Once again, she is our hero and our inspiration!  

We’ve set an ambitious fundraising goal – because the more money we raise, the bigger impact Team Nana can  make – and would be profoundly grateful for your donation. A gift of any size will help patients and families facing a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.  

Want to help in a bigger way? We’d love for you to join our team! Just click the Register button at the top of this page to get started. Register for free, raise $50 and you’ll receive an official PanCAN PurpleStride 2024 T-shirt! If we are in the top 10 of teams for fundraising, Team Nana will be printed on the back.  

We will be making Team Nana shirts for our team to wear on April 27th.  If you are walking with us, please let me know your size so I can get one for you.

Let’s show everyone impacted by pancreatic cancer that we’re fighting for them – thank you for your support!

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About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.