Purplestride is back Nationwide! On April 26, loved ones, family and friends will gather together to run, walk, and push strollers in the fight against pancreatic cancer. We were lucky enough to do our first walk with my father; each family member taking a turn pushing his wheelchair. Sadly, every year to follow we've done Purplestride Philadelphia in memory of my father.
So, while my father and so many countless others will be remembered on April 26, I need your help to wage hope. Hope that this diagnosis doesn't have to be a death sentence. Hope that there can be life after pancreatic cancer. And hope that no one else will go through what my father did.
My Dad was one of the lucky ones who was able to get on a drug trial. Unfortunately the drug trial lost funding and could no longer continue, leaving my father without any good alternatives to continue is battle. Money for research is vital in fighting this horrific disease. Pancreatic Cancer has now become the 3rd leading death among cancers.
There is so little I can do for my Dad now, but this I can do. I can fight to raise awareness, I can raise money, I can support this cause and I can and will wage hope. If you are able, please consider joining our team or making a donation in memory of my father.
Please join Team Zayda on Saturday, April 26th!
We appreciate your support more than you know!