We're walking to honor our sister Jenelle (Jay), who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2016. Like many pancreatic cancer patients, she went through several rounds of testing and diagnosing before they found her cancer, and by that time it was too late. Jenelle lost her battle with pancreatic cancer just 3 weeks after being diagnosed, at the age of 52. She was an incredible sister, wife and mother, and always had a smile on her face and loved to take care of everyone around her. We miss our sister every day.
In early 2019 Jenelle was looking out for me (like she did since we were kids - see photo) when I also was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Luckily we caught it early, and I was fortunate enough to be eligible for immunotherapy based on the genetic make-up of my tumor. After chemo, radiation and immunotherapy, I had a successful whipple procedure in July of 2019. I'm proud to be celebrating my 6th year as a pancreatic cancer survivor this year!
I'm alive today because of scientific progress made possible by people like you donating to cancer research. When I was first diagnosed, the 5-year survival rate was 9%. Now it's 13%. While that's still way too low, it's progress. I wish these advancements had been available for Jenelle, though we can't go back. All we can do now is to wage hope and keep raising money for research to put this disease behind us.
Please join us in celebrating Jenelle's life and raising money to beat this disease. You can join our team and come walk with us in Indy on April 26th, 2025, or do a virtual walk wherever you are. If you aren't able to join our team, please consider making a donation to one of our team members below. We need your help!