November 2016, an awful diagnosis was given to such a fun, sweet, loving, awesome young man our KAS. He faced every challenge and set back that came his way with courage and determination. He had the best doctors and medical care team possible at TRIHEALTH, along with family and friends who encouraged and supported him all the way. He fought and fought until April 2019 when his journey ended. Through all this we became KASSTRONG just like he was and we will not stop now. So join us as we walk KASSTRONG and show Cincinnati and Purple Strides that we will not give up. Why? Because we are FOREVER KASSTRONG.
Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers, at just 12%. This deadly disease has stolen our best and our brightest, but it can’t take away our determination.
Our team has stepped up to Wage Hope at PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer. Will you help us rewrite the future of this disease by making a donation today?
Every dollar that you donate ensures that the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network can continue working to create better outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. By donating to our team, you are supporting vital efforts to double pancreatic cancer survival by 2020.
Purple ribbons aren’t enough. Please join us in the fight today.