On Sept. 15, 2017, our hero, Mike Barger, was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. As you would assume, his whole world and that of his family's was turned upside down. He spent the next 2 weeks thinking about life, past, present and what the future had in store for him.
A week after his diagnosis, Mike and his wife went to a retirement party for one of her co-workers. It was hard to put on a good face like there was nothing wrong and try to enjoy themselves, but they didn't want the focus at the party to be about him and, at this point, they hadn’t told anyone yet. This party was about the co-worker and his life's accomplishments and what he had planned for his retirement.
On the way home, Mike was still in a daze about being diagnosed. They pulled up to a stop sign and Mike looked to his left at a little country church. He noticed the sign and the saying for the week said, "For every Goliath there is a Stone." Right then and there he felt better and knew he now had his direction. He told his wife he had found his motto to fight. So he sent an email to all of his family and friends explaining this and asked them to join and support him in this journey. He called them his "Stone Throwers."
Sadly, on February 17, 2019, after 17 months of fighting, Mike took his last breath, and passed away. He was here and fought longer than most people get the opportunity to when facing down Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, and for that his family is so thankful. He left a mark on so many people, and will not be forgotten.
Mike's Stone Throwers were there for him for his entire journey and supported him in many different ways. They kept him going with emails, jokes, cards, sending him stones and getting together. His family thanks you immensely.
Mike loved PurpleStride and it was one of his favorite days. While we won't have our favorite guy there this year, we are still planning to walk and raise funds in his memory.
Every dollar you donate ensures that the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network can continue working to create better outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. By donating to our team, you are supporting vital efforts to increase pancreatic cancer survival.
Purple ribbons aren’t enough. Please join us in the fight today and throw some stones at curing this horrible disease!