Team Aldo

  • "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway" ~ John Wayne

    "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway" ~ John Wayne

Team Aldo


Raised: $500

Goal: $10,000

Welcome to our team fundraising page!

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month and tomorrow, November 2nd would have been my Daddy's 76th Birthday but this disease took him way too soon!  He has now been gone for 10 years.  TEN whole years without him doesn't seem possible, but there are so many moments this cancer stole from our family, and all patients and their families deserve better.  

Team Aldo is formed in memory of my Dad as we step up to Wage Hope at this year's PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer.  Just like our mantra in 2012, I am still committed to Cowboy Up and Team Rope Pancreatic Cancer and I am asking that you join me by participating as a walker yourself as a member of my team or make a donation to help us rewrite the future of this disease.  

Every dollar that you donate ensures that the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network can continue working to create better outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. By donating to our team, you are supporting vital efforts to improve outcomes for patients and their families. 

Donate $10 in recognition of the number of years my Dad has now been gone.

Donate $50 to provide free one-on-one support for two people facing pancreatic cancer

Donate $76 in honor of how old my Dad's birthday

Donate $90 to train 15 volunteers to advocate for this disease on Capital Hill

Together, we can make a difference....Please join us in the fight today. 

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About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.