
Raised: $1,270

Goal: $10,000

Welcome to our team fundraising page!

Dear Family and Friends,

Almost 4 1/2 years have slowly ticked by since Xan died….Last year, I struggled to find the fortitude to raise my voice again and ask you to make a contribution to PanCan to support research and patient services.  I had been overwhelmed by the number of friends and acquaintances diagnosed the previous year and was giving up hope but I heard Xan’s voice, admonishing me that he never gave up hope, I need to be his voice and it is time for me to pull myself together and ask each one of you to donate generously.  Xan's voice and strength have been with me this year so here I am once again.

When Xan was diagnosed in 2014, the  5-year survival rate was 5%, last year it was 11%, and this year it is 13%.  While this increase may sound incremental to some of you, it is true evidence that the dollars you donate to PanCan fund research which is extending the lives of many patients.  Another point of progress is that for the first time in 10 years, the FDA has approved a new first line treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer-NALIRINOX.  When Xan was diagnosed in 2014, FOLFIRINOX had just been approved for treatment of pancreatic cancer, and it is because of FOLFIRINOX that Xan lived over 5 years from diagnosis.

Unfortunately, studies continue to show a rise in early-onset pancreatic cancer, with more people under the age of 55 being diagnosed, yet funding for research has been historically neglected.  As as editorial in The Lancet (vol.8, Issue 4, P287, April 2023) noted: "In Europe, it receives less than 2%of cancer-related funding, and in the USA it is one of the most underfunded cancers relative to mortality burden."

Because federal dollars for research are still hard to come by we, in the pancreatic cancer community, must do what our friends in the breast cancer community are so successful doing:  raise our voices and ask for your help and support.

As many of you know, Xan took the last long physical walk of his life at the September 28, 2019 PDX PurpleStride walk.  He was there because PanCan had given him hope and he wanted to give others hope.  On that sunny Saturday, Xan spoke of the numerous craniotomies he had endured in the previous 6 months, he held his son’s hand tightly, and he spoke of hope.  He found the strength and energy to speak at the event about the importance of raising both voices and dollars and walk the entire route.  Xan spoke about the progress that had happened in the 5 years since his diagnosis, from a 5-year survival rate of 5% to 10%, and he spoke of how he benefitted from the Know Your Tumor program.  He told the newly diagnosed that it is a long road and a hard road but it is "walkable.  Don't ever give up hope."

PanCan was by our side since early in Xan's diagnosis.  Xan participated in the Know Your Tumor program, twice; we attended the webinars; we spoke with Patient Resources on numerous occasions.  Perhaps most important is that with the support and resources of PanCan, we did not feel as alone in navigating this disease.  We are profoundly grateful to those we met through PanCan who reached out and visited in Xan's final days.  Xan never gave up and we will never give up.

Because this insidious disease devastates the families left behind so many cannot find the energy to ask our family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances to support PanCan.  However, pancreatic cancer survivors and their loved ones cannot have more hope if there is no money for research.  Pancreatic cancer patients cannot have more hope if PanCan cannot offer its patient services. As Xan said in 2019, “the road is really hard but it is walkable; don’t give up hope”.  And this is why I am relaunching the YES WE XAN team.  Your dollars will give other families support, resources and and the hope for more and better treatment options.

Please join the YES WE XAN team, walk with us virtually on April 27, 2024, and make a generous donation. Our YES WE XAN team goal is $10,000.

With deep gratitude, Lucy (Xan’s mom)

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About PanCAN PurpleStride

Local action. Nationwide impact. This is PanCAN PurpleStride, the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer.

On Saturday, April 26, 2025, at nearly 60 events across the country, pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and supporters will join together and walk to honor everyone affected by the disease.

PurpleStride is PanCAN's signature community celebration, raising money to fight pancreatic cancer on all fronts — through research, clinical initiatives, patient services, advocacy and nationwide volunteer support. Learn more.