To get started, download our Team Captain Guide and follow these simple steps:
Download our fundraising app by searching for “PurpleStride” in the iTunes app store or Google Play Store, or use our app on Facebook.
This app is a great way to inspire your network, and team, to take action in the fight against pancreatic cancer. It also features customized messages that make recruitment easy.
You can use the PurpleStride App to send recruitment messages, and you can also send template messages through My Strider Central.
Make a list of people you know and decide who you'd like to recruit to join your team and who to target as donors.
Subject: Join my PurpleStride team today
More than 57,600 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year. Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers, at just 10%.
I’ve stepped up to Wage Hope at PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer. Will you help us rewrite the future of this disease by joining my team today?
By taking part in PurpleStride, you help us move closer to achieving our urgent goal of accelerating progress for patients.
Purple ribbons aren't enough. Please join the fight today.
[Insert your Team page link]
Thank you!
Subject: Help me re-write the future of pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers, at just 10%. This deadly disease has stolen our best and our brightest, but it can’t take away our determination.
I’ve stepped up to Wage Hope at PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer. I’m striding for [Insert who or why you’re passionate about the fight].
Your donation funds vital pancreatic cancer research and free services for patients and their families.
Purple ribbons aren’t enough. Please join me in the fight today.
[Insert your personal page link]
Thank you!
Subject: Join me in the fight against pancreatic cancer!
A while ago I sent you an email telling you about my involvement with PurpleStride, the walk to end pancreatic cancer. This horrible disease kills more people than breast cancer and is the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S.
It's up to us to fight for the more than 57,600 Americans who will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year.
Will you join me by making a donation or turning out to participate on event day?
Purple ribbons aren’t enough. Please join me in the fight today.
[Insert your personal page link]
Thank you!
Subject: Your action speaks volumes. Thank you.
Thank you for joining me in the fight against pancreatic cancer. Your action moves mountains for the thousands of families affected by this disease each year.
Are you looking for more ways to get involved in this urgent cause? Read more about PurpleStride, explore volunteer opportunities with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, and track my progress toward meeting my fundraising goal.
Will you join me by making a donation or turning out to participate on event day?
Purple ribbons don’t rewrite the future of this disease. You do. Thank you.
You can use the PurpleStride App to share your progress and recruit friends on social media, try some of our suggested posts below, or come up with your own! Don’t be afraid to get creative!
Sample Posts
Hint: Posts with photos always get more attention, so add a photo to your post to make it stand out!
Facebook has also created useful “How To” pages.
Facebook Help
Twitter is a great place to post quick notes to remind people that you're participating in PurpleStride. Remember to use #PurpleStride, #WageHope, and #PancreaticCancer
Sample Posts:
Use Instagram to show your journey to PurpleStride through pictures.
Sample Posts (don't forget to put a link to your fundraising page in your profile!)
Some of our most successful fundraising teams have reached big fundraising goals by hosting a wrap-around event in addition to asking friends and family for donations.
A wrap around event is a "do-it-yourself" fundraising effort that supports PurpleStride. The funds you raise can be applied to your individual fundraising page, team fundraising page or the event overall.
Looking for inspiration? Check out these fundraising event ideas:
Start planning early to make reaching your team goal easier. By splitting up the larger goal, everyone on the team can help achieve it!
Work with your team to set realistic checkpoints along the way.
Reward team members who hit their checkpoints (a batch of cookies, a congratulatory card, a shout-out on Facebook, etc.).
Create challenges to encourage a little friendly competition (i.e. "The first team member to reach $100 raised will get a $5 Starbucks card!").
Send weekly encouragement messages to your team to let them know how the team is progressing.
Split your captain duties among a few dependable volunteers. One can be in charge of social media, one can make up challenges, one can send weekly emails to the team, etc.
Subject Line: Challenge: Accepted
Thank you for all of your hard work! I cannot thank you all enough for your purple passion! We are only [NUMBER OF DAYS] days away from the event, which means it's time to start planning your purple sparkle spirit outfit for event day.
[TEAM NAME] Update: [NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS] and $[AMOUNT RAISED]! We are still [PERCENTAGE AWAY FROM GOAL] away from our goal of $[GOAL AMOUNT], so we can't stop now! Try out some of the sample text messages and Facebook posts available on the PurpleStride App to make fundraising quick and easy!
Today's Challenge: Send out an e-mail to at least 5 people inviting them to PurpleStride. The first person to forward me all of their sent e-mails will win a $5 gift card to [Smoothie/Coffee Shop]!
Best of luck!
Your captain,
Make sure to thank your team and your donors. Give donor shout-outs along the way - tag people in your thank you’s on Facebook.
Thanks, Jane Doe for your generous donation to my #PurpleStride team!
Send personalized messages or letters to donors and team members. Or, thank your donors using the PurpleStride App.
Subject Line: Thank you for helping me Wage Hope!
Thank you for your donation to my team's fundraising for PurpleStride [LOCATION NAME]. As you know, the fight against pancreatic cancer is a cause that is near and dear to my heart because [ADD PERSONAL CONNECTION].
PurpleStride [LOCATION NAME] was an inspiring and unforgettable day for me and thousands of others who have been touched by this terrible disease. It was amazing to see the fighting spirit of the purple crowd at PurpleStride [LOCATION NAME].
Your donation will help change the course of history for pancreatic cancer by funding research grants, advocacy efforts, patient support and awareness activities coordinated by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
Thank you for your support,
Subject Line: Thanks for being on [Team Name]
Thank you for joining [TEAM NAME] for PurpleStride [LOCATION NAME] this year! Thank you for all of your purple passion; you were a huge part of the success of our team!
It was amazing to experience the fighting spirit of the purple crowd that took over [VENUE NAME]. I hope that PurpleStride was an inspiring day for you and that you'll join us again next year.
Let's celebrate the success of our team! We are having a team party on [MEETING DATE/TIME] at [LOCATION] for [DINNER, DRINKS, ETC]. Please let me know if you can make it!
Thanks again for all of your hard work!