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Raised: $26,985.93 Goal: $100,000.00

Virtual PurpleStride

Thank you Virtual PurpleStride Sioux Falls 2020 participants for showing up and supporting pancreatic cancer patients and families in your own way!

In this unprecedented “Virtual Is the New Purple” season, we applaud your flexibility, tenacity and commitment to continuing to fight for patients and against this tough disease.

It’s the support of Striders in Sioux Falls and nationwide that gives pancreatic cancer patients and families FREE access to PanCAN’s Patient Services that can improve their lives — plus so much more.

It also ensures one thing is certain: during this time of uncertainty, patients can 100% count on PanCAN’s Patient Services being there for them.

Your fundraising is much appreciated. Please continue to do so as pancreatic cancer does not stop or slow down.

Get tips for virtual fundraising.

We hope you’ll connect with your local affiliate’s Facebook group, where you can share your fundraising ideas, meet other supporters and learn about events in your area. Please visit pancan.org to see the latest news on the fight against pancreatic cancer and purplestride.org for other events near you.

Sioux Falls

Event Contact

Other Event Inquiries

Join us for PanCAN PurpleStride 2024, happening Saturday, April 27, 2024 at nearly 60 events across the country!

PurpleStride is the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer. It’s an inspirational day to honor those we lost, celebrate survivors and turn the nation purple!

Your participation and fundraising help pancreatic cancer patients in your area by:

  • Offering free, personalized support and resources through PanCAN Patient Services
  • Providing molecular testing at no cost through PanCAN’s Know Your Tumor®
  • Supporting PanCAN’s research priorities of finding an early detection strategy and accelerating treatments
  • Creating hope — because a five-year survival rate of 12% is just not acceptable
The best way to get involved is to become a Team Captain and invite your family and friends to join your team and set their own fundraising goals. We’ll give you all the tools you need!

Register for free and access your PanCAN PurpleStride Dashboard today! Your Dashboard is your one-stop-shop for all your PurpleStride fundraising needs. From creating your personal fundraising page, to connecting to Facebook Fundraiser, to pre-written messages you can send your family and friends, your PurpleStride Dashboard has you covered.

Everyone who registers and raises:

$50 or more will receive an official PanCAN PurpleStride 2024 T-shirt

$1,000 or more will become a member of our PanCAN PurpleStride Grand Club and receive exclusive Grand Club gear!

Can’t make it to your local event? Register for PurpleStride USA and participate from wherever you are, and in any way you like!

Want to learn more?

A world where all patients with pancreatic cancer thrive starts with YOU! Your participation and fundraising keep PanCAN’s vital programs running so patients and their families don’t have to navigate this journey on their own. Thank you!


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